Heroes Who Need Justice

Superhero shows usually tend to focus on heroes who are fan favorites. Whether its Spider-Man or Batman we already know their backstory before we watch the show. It goes deeper than backstory, we already know the villains and almost everything about the hero yet we still watch. We hope to see a new twist on it or a new way to tell the story. Instead of that why can’t creators just give us shows on heroes we want to get to know more. A cartoon on a hero who needs the extra publicity. This post is for the top 4 heroes who need Justice when it comes to their own animated series.

Green Arrow Justice LeagueFirst on the list is Green Arrow. Sure there is a TV show out right now called “Arrow” but that is much more grounded and is limited because of that. This cartoon show doesn’t need to come now but it needs to happen eventually. The array of arrows used in a animated is endless. He can have an arrow that freezes people, even one that has a boxing glove come out (as seen in the picture). The protector of Star City needs Justice. Green Arrow is a very popular hero in DC comics and has a background similar to Batman, and who doesn’t love Batman.


Aquaman. Everyone loves to make fun of Aquaman and have his powers seem so limited. With the new Aquaman movie coming out, it seems like they’ll make him more serious but that won’t be enough. King of Atlantis isn’t an easy task and the show can easily focus on crime or people trying to take his thrown while he protects it from threats within Atlantis and outside of it. Aquaman has enough villains and a animated series would make him seem like the cool hero he truly is.


The next hero on our list is Nightwing Nightwing has been featured in several animated movies alongside Batman but its time he gets his own show. Defending the city of Bludhaven is no easy task especially when it has a higher crime rate then Gotham. It’ll be interesting to see his allies, base of operations (does he have a Night Cave?) and the villains he takes on. This could be similar to Batman but Dick Grayson is very different in the way he operates and the show can have a larger focus on take and how he handles crimefighting.

Spiderman Miles Morales

One of the newer additions to the Marvel Universe is Miles Morales. Miles Morales is the Spider-Man in his world. Sure we complained there were to many Spider-Man cartoons but this isn’t Peter Parker. It would be interesting to see someone else take and approach to being Spider-Man. Miles Morales has the additional powers of camouflage and a Venom strike which sends an electrical surge to anyone he touches and can even be attached to his web. Miles Morales has different villains and we’ll finally see a Spider-Man who doesn’t live in Queens.

This one doesn’t really count but Green Lantern. GL did have a show on cartoon network which lasted two seasons. It definitely should have been renewed for more but was cancelled.

Tune in next time to see the hero who actually got his own show and it ended up being pretty good. 

Comment below if we left out one of your favorite underrated heroes.

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