Static Shock

Most of the shows we’ve reviewed have been big time superheroes. Batman, Superman, X-Men are all heroes people are familiar with regardless if they are superhero fans or not. This next hero was generally unknown and didn’t have a big following before his show. That hero is Static Shock. Static Shock exists in the DC universe and is for the most part independent from other heroes in the universe.

Before we get to the show lets talk about who exactly Static Shock is. Static Shock’s real name is Virgil Hawkins and he’s 14 years old at the time he becomes Static Shock. His powers from an explosion of gas containers which also infected many gang members who eventually become the villains he faces weekly. His powers comprise of the ability to control and manipulate electricity, he also uses a man-hole cover to fly around which makes him so much cooler.Static Shock Flying

The show focuses on growing up in an urban community and brings up some of the challenges Virgil faces in his real life alongside him being a hero. Many of the villains being former gang members have stories behind them. Some feel the villain life is the only way to survive which creates a sense of sympathy for them while Static connects with a few of them during the show. As the show goes on Static finds ways to make his powers stronger and there is an actual progression as he ages. He gets wiser, more responsible, and is able to defeat lower grade villains easier.

A very interesting component of the show is the team-ups he had. One reoccurring team up was with his best friend Virgil. He acts as a non-powered helper who guides Static through missions as his eyes and ears similar to Oracle in Batman or Felicity in Arrow. Another great team-up was an episode where Shaq (retired basketball great) was in town and some villains tried taking him down. Static came to his help immediately but quickly realized Shaq could hold is own and was taking on some villains on his own.Static Shock fist bump

What makes the show so strong is that with no prior knowledge of Static Shock, there is an intense focus on where he came from. It can be related to a coming of age show. He faces problems in his community such as racism, grows up during the show and is much more then a superhero cartoon but that isn’t the greatest part of it.

Now for the GREATEST part of Static Shock. Static Shock spends two episodes working with Batman and Robin and another four working with the Justice League (Version from the TV Show). When the Justice League arrives Static is quickly but to the test to see if he’s a hero on their caliber. He fights alongside them and its very interesting to see how a young hero matches up with his older counterparts. The Batman-Robin team-up shows how his specific skill set is best used alongside a master crime fighter and the greatest detective in the world.

Static Shock with Batman

Overall, Static Shock is a show to watch if you’re interested in becoming a fan of a new hero, an underdog who’s popularity increased during and after the show. Not to mention the theme song is awesome.

IMDB: 7.3/10 8.7/10

SuperToons: 8.5/10

Available on Netflix: No

Run Time: 2000-2004

Seasons: 4

Episodes: 52

Watch: Definitely

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