Marvel Movies We Can’t Wait To See

Since we were on the topic of Superhero movies we’ll give you guys the top three movies we want to see. Marvel is not a stranger to introducing us to long lineups of movies over the years and we are picking out the ones we are most interested in.

Captain America: Civil War

This movie seems to be one of the best Marvel movies yet. Our favorite movie here at SuperToons is Winter Solider for the fact that it seems more like a Marvel movie then a Captain America one. So far the two Captain America movies seem to have the biggest impact on the MCU and we expect no less in Civil War. With Winter Solider finally regaining his memory of his past life, his best friend Captain America seems to promise to protect him at all costs. This creates problems with the rest of the world and SHIELD sends troops and even heroes to take down Winter Solider and Captain America. This movie seems to be packed to the top with action scenes. From Winter Solider and the newly introduced Black Panther fighting, to seeing Captain America team up with Winter Solider to beat Iron man (as seen in trailer). This movie will shape the Avengers and MCU in the times to come. We am interested in not only seeing Spider-man but how will Captain America and Iron Man ever make up.

Guardians Of the Galaxy 2

Guardians of Galaxy 2.jpg

Guardians part one seemed so great because for the first time it seemed as Marvel was solely focused on one movie and not their future. Thanos was involved but in a much minor role and he seemed more like a behind the scenes villain and associate of Ronan. That was a great move by Marvel because they were able to focus on a totally new cast of characters who have unlimited potential in the MCU. In terms of part 2, rumors are on the side that Star Lords father will be introduced and Adam Warlock might be as well. Adam Warlock is a type of mystic being who is probably one of the most strongest beings in the universe but his introduction will take away from the movie as a whole. Instead we are hoping Guardians 2 focuses more on the core heroes they already have. We know Star Lords father will be in it but what about the rest of the gang? Lets hope their personal stories are heavily involved so we can learn to love the characters even more. One more thing, lets hope Groot is back to being the big lovable tree he is, and not stuck in that little pot.

Tune in next post for the DC Movies we are most interested in.

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